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older orphans

to loving families

We need your support

to bring hope and love

There exists a global orphan crisis and our foundation seeks to help remedy its consequences through advocating adoption.  We do this by offering financial assistance to families who are willing to host orphans from various countries.  These hosting periods provide an important avenue to connecting these vulnerable children to a loving family.

Apply for a Grant

6th Annual Golf Outing

When:  September 17, 2024


Where:  Oaks Golf Course, Cottage Grove


Come out and join us for a celebration of all that is happening with Before 16 and enjoy a beautiful day on the links.

 We assist families who host orphans with Project 143 through funding and advocacy.
Before 16 is a 501(c)3 nonprofit foundation built to care for orphans. We strive to get these children hosted by a family who is either considering adoption or will advocate for adoption. Our hope is that the hosting process can provide the avenue to find a loving family for each child. We are dedicated to rescuing as many orphans as possible before they turn 16 years old and age out of the system.
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5940 Seminole Centre Court Suite 310, Fitchburg, WI 53711

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